Addicted …to the pot. The coffee pot. Get it? Get it? No? Maybe you need more coffee 🙂
Addicted …to the pot. The coffee pot. Get it? Get it? No? Maybe you need more coffee 🙂
Can you hear it? Yep, coffee is calling my name.
This is a bit of a blast from the past. Live Oak Coffee was a little coffee shop on Ocracoke Island. The specialty was pour overs, and the coffee was delicious. Unfortunately Live Oak Coffee was only open for a season or two.
I love cats and coffee… yep! My cat’s name is Miss Dixie. She regularly joins me for my morning coffee. Usually helping me out by laying across my keyboard while I am trying to respond to emails, work on solution design for work, write blog posts, etc.
How coffee works… Coffee in, magic, energy out.
This is my local Starbucks. Well not really mine, but the one that is within a few minute drive from my house. I stop in there several times a week (sometimes multiple times in a single day).
Coffee (n): Survival Juice Especially on Mondays… and Tuesdays… and Wednesdays… Pretty much any day that ends in y 🙂